Worship Services
Visitors' Guide
We hope you will join us Sunday morning for worship.
Wherever you are on life's journey, you are invited to join us each week
as we celebrate the life of Jesus Christ, Our Savior, living among us.
All are welcome!
Here is some information about what you can expect when you join us:
Worship Times
Our worship services begin at 10:00 am on Sundays. Usually the services last about one hour. Following the service, you are invited to Friendship Hall for coffee hour and fellowship.
Where is the Church?
First Congregational Church of Swanzey is located at 679 Old Homestead Highway, Swanzey, NH 03446. We are about four miles south of Keene and about one half mile south of Monadnock Regional High School on Route 32. If you are heading south on Route 32, the church will be on the right. Click here for a map!
Is the Church Handicap Accessible?
We have two handicap ramps: one in front of the Church building and one located at the south entrance to Friendship Hall. If needed, one of our deacons will be happy to assist you. We also have a wheelchair available for anyone who might need it.
Where Do I Park?
We have a large parking lot in front of the Church and Friendship Hall buildings. There are several handicap parking spots located close to the front door of the church and the door leading into Friendship Hall for your convenience.
What Should I Wear?
Please feel free to dress in whatever manner feels natural to you. Church is about “who you are,” not about “how you look.” While some folks prefer to dress in suits and dresses, many attend church wearing blue jeans and sweatshirts. Whatever you are wearing, you are welcome here!
How Do I Enter the Building?
You are welcome to enter the building through the front doors of the church to the Narthex (entrance at the back of the Sanctuary), where deacons will be ready to greet you. If you are more comfortable entering through the door to Friendship Hall, please feel free to do so, and follow the signs that lead into the sanctuary.
Where Are the Restrooms?
This may just be the most important question of all! Our restrooms are located in the hallway between Friendship Hall and the Sanctuary. One restroom door is directly off the hallway near the coat rack. The other restroom is on the same side of the hallway, and through a small classroom.
Guest Cards
Visitors are encouraged to fill out a guest card, which you will find in each pew. We would love to know more about you, and add you to our newsletter list to keep you up to date on our happenings!
Activities for Children
Children are an important part of our church family. From September to June, children attend the first part of the worship service in the sanctuary, and then are invited to go to Faith Formation (Sunday School) classes with their teachers. Children who are visiting and prefer to stay in the sanctuary with their parents are welcome to do so. During the summer months, Faith Formation classes take a break, but there may be occasional activities for children during the second portion of worship time. Special kid-friendly events such as movie nights and ice cream socials are held throughout the year.
Sunday Worship Services
Upon entering the Church building, you will be provided with a Sunday Worship Bulletin. This is an outline of the worship service including readings, prayers, and hymns. The bulletins also contain announcements and other useful information. Scriptures, prayers, hymns and readings change each week, but the order of the worship is fairly standard. The organist/pianist will begin the service by playing a prelude. During this time, the congregation will be seated and prepare for worship. The Pastor will then welcome everyone, followed by the "Passing of the Peace" when you can greet others in the congregation with "Good morning" or "Peace be with you." Next, there will be a time of announcements and news of upcoming events. Acolytes will light the candles at the front of the sanctuary, called the Chancel, while the congregation sings an opening hymn. This is followed by responsive readings and prayers, which are printed in the bulletin. Most Sundays, from September to June, the choir or hand-bell choir will perform an anthem. The choir takes a break during the summer, and we are often treated to special music, usually provided by talented members of our own community. Following that, the children are invited to leave the sanctuary with their Faith Formation (Sunday School) teachers. A member of the congregation will then read the Scripture lessons for the week, which are listed in the bulletin. This is followed by a sermon, given by the Pastor. A sermon is a lesson, usually based upon the Scriptures that were read that week. The sermon is followed by a time of prayer. The Pastor will invite the congregation to share prayer joys and requests, and then will offer up the "Prayer of the People." An offering is then collected by the passing of the plate, while music, called the "offertory" is played. This is followed by the Doxology, sung by the congregation, and a prayer of dedication. Then it is time for the closing hymn, followed by the Benediction. Each worship service ends with a Benediction Response: the congregation singing "Let There be Peace on Earth" led by a member of the congregation interpreting the words in American Sign Language. The organist/pianist will then play a postlude to conclude the service. After the service, the Pastor greets members of the congregation as they exit the Sanctuary. Following the worship service, all are welcome to gather in Friendship Hall for fellowship, coffee, and a light snack.