Education Ministry

In Matthew 9:14-16, it says that Jesus commanded the disciples to bring the children to Him…and He blessed them. In our church we strive to build a strong foundation of faith for our children, and, in fact, the whole congregation.

All are precious in His sight…” including all ages. ALL are welcome.



The Faith Formation/Sunday School kicked off the new year on Sunday, September 15, 2024.  

All children ages 3 years through the eighth grade are invited to attend.  Our theme for the fall is God’s Love Grows Here.

Through scripture, bible stories, crafts, and music, we’ll discover all the wonderful places we can see God’s love in action. We will experience how we can spread God’s love to our homes, our friends, our church and our community. Children will start in the service at 10:00 and will be dismissed after the Music Ministry.

Parents/caregivers may pick up the children from the classroom after the service.

Cynthia Stinson and Sandra Allen

Faith Formation




Following the completion of our study of Ephesians on October 24th, Mr. Stinson will teach a Bible study entitled The Sufficiency of Christ. The class will read and discuss Paul’s Letter to the Colossians. All sessions will meet in the Friendship Hall of Swanzey’s First Congregational Church at 10:30m, on five Thursdays (excluding Thanksgiving Day), starting October 31st through December 5th. Each session will last one hour. A copy of the syllabus will be available in the Narthex and on the church website. 

Colossians is a brief letter written while Paul was a prisoner in Rome, probably between the years A.D. 60-62, so it is a very early account of Christian belief and practice. The author possessed a very high view of Christ, calling him “the image of the invisible God” (1:15) and saying, in Christ “the fullness of God was pleased to dwell in him in bodily form” (1:19 and 2:9). The apostle also affirmed in this letter that Jesus is the head of the church, (1:18). Hence, the study’s title: The Sufficiency of Christ

The class is open to new and experienced students of the Bible. Speak to Mr. Stinson if you have questions or need more information. 

Rev. David Stinson

Adult Bible Study