Missions Ministry

"A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Our Missions Ministry Team is responsible for the outreach of the church; seeking and carrying out ways to demonstrate God's grace and mercy to others.  

Here are some examples of our ongoing mission activities and partner organizations:

Neighbors In Need - Special Mission Offering

We will be receiving a collection during the month of October for Neighbors in Need. 

NIN is a special mission offering of the United Church of Christ that supports ministries of justice and compassion in the United States.  

Click below to visit the UCC website for more information: 

Love Thy Neighbor Ministries - We support this local outreach ministry that serves people in the community who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness and/or food insecurity.  Love Thy Neighbor prepares and delivers bag lunches and other essentials to individuals in Keene.  They also offer a Food Pantry, and Room of Hope (household items) at the Village Church in West Swanzey, which serves families in the local area.

House of Hope NH - A faith-based residential program for women facing substance abuse and life controlling issues in the Monadnock Region and beyond.  House Of Hope NH has been instrumental in transforming the lives of women and their children through the grace of God. 

Cornerstone Motorcycle Ministry - A Christian ministry serving food and coffee to the motorcycling community at "The Tent" on Route 9 in Antrim during the Laconia Motorcycle Week.  Members of First Congregational Church of Swanzey donate homemade cookies during this event.

Christmas Kids - We provide gifts to families at Christmas time so that the children have a Christmas they might not have otherwise.

Snack Sacks - We prepare bags filled with healthy sacks which are then given to families in the area.

Cards to Members/Friends - Keeping in touch with shut-ins or members who have moved away from our area.

Meals to Members/Friends - Providing meals to members and friends who are shut in or going through a difficult time.

Visitation - Going out among our members and friends who are unable to attend church.

Zimbabwe Partnership - Spreading news of and communicating with our sister church in Luveve, Africa.

Souper Bowl Sunday - Canned soup collection to donate to the local Food Pantry.

Mothers' Day Flower Sale - Annual flower sale to benefit the Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention.