Missions Ministry

"A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another."  John 13:34-35 (NIV)

Our Missions Ministry Team is responsible for the outreach of the church; seeking and carrying out out ways to demonstrate God's grace and mercy to others.  Here are some examples of our ongoing mission projects:

Love Thy Neighbor Ministries - A local outreach ministry serving people in the community who are at risk of, or experiencing, homelessness and/or food insecurity.  Bagged lunches are prepared and delivered weekly to individuals in Keene.  Love Thy Neighbor also offers a Food Pantry, and Room of Hope (household items) located at the Village Church in West Swanzey, which serves families in the local area and beyond.

Snack Sacks - we prepare backpacks filled with healthy sacks which are then given to families in the area so that the children receive healthy snacks.

Cornerstone Motorcycle Ministry - A Christian ministry serving food and coffee to the motorcycling community at "The Tent" on Route 9 in Antrim during the Laconia Motorcycle Week.  Members of First Congregational Church of Swanzey donate homemade cookies during this event.

Christmas Kids - we provide gifts to families at Christmas time so that the children have a Christmas they might not have otherwise.

Cards to Members/Friends - keeping in touch with shut-ins or members who have moved away from our area.

Meals to Members/Friends - providing meals to members and friends who are shut in or going through a difficult time and are unable to make a meal or not feel like doing so.

Transportation to Members/Friends - providing transportation to people for doctor's appts., church activities, etc.

Visitation - going out among our members and visit people who we have not seen in a long time.

Christmas Caroling - people who like to share the feelings of the season with others by singing in a group around town, visiting nursing homes and other shut ins.

Conference Delegates - 3 to 4 people to represent the church at the NH Conference UCC Annual Meeting in October as well as the Southwest Association of the NH Conference Spring and Fall Meetings.

Zimbabwe Partnership - helps spread the news of and communicates with our sister church in Luveve, Africa.

Souper Bowl Sunday - we collect cans of soup to donate to the local Food Pantry.

Local Missions Fund - For those times of emergency when there's no where else to turn, we can help! We have a special team of three dedicated and caring volunteers who oversee this important local mission. A special collection during our Christmas Eve services goes toward funding this mission.

Thanksgiving and Christmas Baskets - A collection of canned and boxed goods, turkeys and fruits, timely and helpful boxes of food are assembled and distributed to families in need for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Collections of non-perishables start the first Sunday in November. On the following Sundays, boxed foods and foods which are more perishable are collected.